RY Introduction

RY Introduction (3)

Elements of Ruyiwishful

Throughout the ages, the Ruyi element has always carried the best expectations of the Chinese people.

DeXuan are inspired by ancient Chinese Ruyi decoration.
Therefore, he created the "Ruyi Series".

RY Introduction (1)

Colors of Ruyiwishful

The auspicious meaning of Ruyi is often associated with the good qualities of jade.
In China, we compare beauty to beautiful jade.

We hope that modern women's personalities can be diverse and strong like jade, not bound by reality.

RY Introduction (2)

Spirit of Ruyiwishful

The auspicious meaning of Ruyi is often associated with the good qualities of jade.
In China, we compare beauty to beautiful jade.

We hope that modern women's personalities can be diverse and strong like jade, not bound by reality.

RY Introduction